Hello everyone!
We would like to welcome you to the first ever annual TNFS Awards, hosted by Luma Party!
The staff took a lot of work into making this possible, so give them thanks for that.
We want to give every member a chance at winning an award.
Remember, please vote who you thinks deserve each award, there is no rule saying you can't vote yourself, but if someone else deserves it more, please consider that.
Here is a list of all the awards!
~Most Valuable Member
~Staff Award
~ChatBox Award
~News Award
~Art Award
~Active Award
~Blog Award
~Lounge Award
~Username Award
~Elite Award
~Newcomer Award
~Comeback Award
~Shy Guy Award
We would like to welcome you to the first ever annual TNFS Awards, hosted by Luma Party!
The staff took a lot of work into making this possible, so give them thanks for that.
We want to give every member a chance at winning an award.
Remember, please vote who you thinks deserve each award, there is no rule saying you can't vote yourself, but if someone else deserves it more, please consider that.
Here is a list of all the awards!
~Most Valuable Member
~Staff Award
~ChatBox Award
~News Award
~Art Award
~Active Award
~Blog Award
~Lounge Award
~Username Award
~Elite Award
~Newcomer Award
~Comeback Award
~Shy Guy Award