Personally I love it since it plays a lot like Metorid (in a lot of places), but it also has a high difficulty level for me as well. Because one minute I'm battling 2 mecha spider monsters at once & then all of a sudden I'm surrounded by more then 4 & then Joule's instantly dead. I mean if the game is going to pull that crap I'd like it if more then one mech could help battle against the mecha-bots that have gone crazy & want to kill all humanz. Sometimes it's even worse during a boss battle, where you not only have to battle against the boss but 4 or 5 other mini robots on top of the main one your focusing your attacks on; it's nuts. I've been able to find ways to beat the system by finding alcoves to hide in & beat the monsters by hiding in the alcoves where they can't hurt Joule from, but it's because the developers left these area's open for me to be able to use it to my advantage & be able to take out the monsters one by one cause out in the open your dead meat otherwise.Zero Revolution wrote:^ OKAY I AGREE. How is ReCore by the way? I really want to play it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying this game a lot more then it might sound, it's just there should have been a difficulty level for those who wanted more story then battle that way it'd be easier to get through the game quicker. I mean I think I'm doing fine, but it's only because I'm pretending to be playing a Metorid game & with that mind set it's not that hard to figure out what needs to be done. When playing; I tend to have my own strategy that I use while playing when battling against a bunch of monsters. My main strategy is my MP3:C one: which is to dodge in a circle & shot at the enemies; which has worked very effectively.
Eh, that maybe true but I'm already enjoying a very nice Metorid game that he developed thanks to MS Studio's allowing him to help in the creation of ReCore. So if there's going to be a ReCore 2 I myself will very much look forward to playing it. ;3Gameguy1996 wrote:You might have to wait a while for the Metroid game since I doubt there will be one unless the NX sells better then expected and Sakamoto likely has to sign off on the game.