by Dark Jester Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:08 am
Reading back on this, there are a few people I do sterotype by looks, and this is brought on by a few other discussions we've had around the forums.
Girls who wear make-up and look really over the top, like they've just came straight from Essex I instantly assume is a bit of a "cocky glamour girl" who isn't worth my time. As in if one turned around to me and said "I like Nidoqueen because it has more special defense than Nidoking" I would probably just die of shock.
Also, a bit like Yi with smoking, as soon as I figure out that someone takes drugs regularly I assume they're ether really Chavvy or just an idiot. Smoking... not so much, I've known a few smokers in my time and honestly... some do surprise you, but the people who are totally clean of it all to tend to be the best.
But so far everyone I've really put into categories like that... I've been correct with. So rather than people looking a way and then me giving them a label based on how they look... aren't I really just giving them the label that they're making for themselves with their poor lifestyle choices?